One Room Challenge: Week 7
Ok Ok.. I know I’m late at posting this update but better late than never right??
This week was a chaotic, crazy building sesh. We worked on the creating the materials for the ORC and the textures that will make it feel the way I want it to feel. Airy, modern yet classy. Enter PVC pipe, Roofing material and light wood.
It’s notable that we had airbnb guests staying in the apartment below and although we did sound proof the bedroom, the living room hasn’t and the sound just carries down. So.. We peaced out to the Poconos (2 hour drive) to prep all our building materials. We are using 4’’ PVC for the build of the bed frame and 1’’ PVC for the windows. We cut the smaller PVC in half and used an orbital sander to take the glossy finish off. The results were gorgous leathery look that I did not expect. I moved on to paint all the PVC so that it was ready for install when we’re able to go back to the bedroom.
Next, I moved onto priming our roofing material. We couldn’t find it at the lowes in the City but they had lots in the mountains so I think location matters. But the material had a smell to it because it is for roofs so we used a smell binding primer called Zinzzer and it worked perfectly to both prime the material for paint and seal it.
Next I DIY’d the cutest table lamp for an ikea hack. It was so inexpensive to make and was perfect for the room.
I used a concrete mix and added a terra cotta cement colorant. It left the color of the cement a dusty pink color. I poured it into and old bowl I had and then put a paper bowl into the center crating a rounded base. I then drilled a hole into it and pushed the ikea bulb mechenism through the hole. I used the FADA lamp from ikea and it was normally $24… It turned out so cute.
Here is to hoping we can get this all in our car for a 2 hour drive.
Also, go check out what the other designers are up to…